Good evening Jaimi…yes we do. We completed purchase in late 2015andnthoigh it was already beautiful, we started a 5 year adventure of remodel ( new kitchens new bathrooms heat air seciruty etc and it is truly beautiful. We inside the city walls with perfect access to this wonderful walled hill town.I can forward access info if you like. Provide email address or message me on Facebook.
This site is the kind of personal connection that bind those of us who love Italy and especially the small towns and their stories.
Ciao Dr. B. I'd be interested in rental information on your palazzo. As I said in another comment I may be taking Julskitchen course in February and while Giulia has provided great information on some places close to her, I have a place in my heart for Montalcino (even before I read My Italian Bulldozer). Email is
Bob I will forward your mail to partners who handle rental. Will come from either Fred St John or Ralph Modena. Hope you enjoy to “look about” on our website
Buongiorno Teresa! Do you rent out your Palazzo in Montalcino?
Good evening Jaimi…yes we do. We completed purchase in late 2015andnthoigh it was already beautiful, we started a 5 year adventure of remodel ( new kitchens new bathrooms heat air seciruty etc and it is truly beautiful. We inside the city walls with perfect access to this wonderful walled hill town.I can forward access info if you like. Provide email address or message me on Facebook.
This site is the kind of personal connection that bind those of us who love Italy and especially the small towns and their stories.
Ciao Dr. B. I'd be interested in rental information on your palazzo. As I said in another comment I may be taking Julskitchen course in February and while Giulia has provided great information on some places close to her, I have a place in my heart for Montalcino (even before I read My Italian Bulldozer). Email is
Bob I will forward your mail to partners who handle rental. Will come from either Fred St John or Ralph Modena. Hope you enjoy to “look about” on our website