May 3, 2023Liked by Giulia Scarpaleggia, Tommaso Galli

As they say, there is a reason for everything!!! But, it is hard to accept when it happens on a vacation you’ve been looking forward to for awhile. In the meantime, rest, get well, let Tommaso baby you for awhile. I am loving Cucina Povera….my family came from Crotone and San Giovanni in Fiore and were very poor when they emigrated to the U.S., so I know all about Cucina Povera….

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I’m resting now at home, finally the weather is warmer, and I can see the end of the tunnel! So happy you are enjoying Cucina Povera, and proud it is bringing back memories

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You're right! There is a reason for everything. Perhaps this will somehow have a positive effect in the future. The main thing is not to drive yourself into bad thoughts.

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May 3, 2023Liked by Giulia Scarpaleggia, Tommaso Galli

Hope you are feeling better soon. Sunshine and warm days can work wonders. Hoping that greets you back at home. I’m looking forward to your next post, as we leave for Puglia in a few weeks. Get well soon!

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I was obviously welcomed by warm, sunny weather at home! I’ll be posting soon about Lecce, and I hope you will thoroughly enjoy it!

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Could you share the osterias you were hoping to try while in Lecce and other areas of Puglia? Grazie Giulia. Enjoy being home again and the beauty of springtime in your little corner of the world!

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May 3, 2023Liked by Giulia Scarpaleggia, Tommaso Galli

We just went through the same illnesses/gray rainy days here. Wouldn’t wish that for anyone’s holiday!

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I know 😩😩 let’s hope in sunny weather

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I hope you have a great weekend after this!🧡

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May 3, 2023Liked by Giulia Scarpaleggia, Tommaso Galli

So sorry to hear you were sick in Lecce! Also happened to me while visiting Lecce in January. Missing out on all that great food! I'm still waiting for my copy of Cucina Povera to arrive. It was supposed to be delivered beginning of April (Amazon.it) Any ideas? Can't wait to get it! 😊❤️

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Oh no! It must be the bad luck of Lecce. Let’s hope next time will be fun for both of us! As for Cucina Povera, unfortunately there are big problems with Amazon distribution in the whole Europe. You should try at your local bookstore; maybe they can order it.

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May 3, 2023Liked by Giulia Scarpaleggia, Tommaso Galli

Hope you will feel well soon after a good nights’ sleep on the train. I love the ‘Cucina Povera’ and will use more recipes when I’ve harvested in the garden. Non vedo l’ora 😃

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The sleep on the train was good, and now spending two days in warm Spring temperatures is helping me even more!

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May 3, 2023Liked by Giulia Scarpaleggia, Tommaso Galli

I am so sorry you ended up sick on your holiday. Not fun at all! I hope by now that you are on the mend.

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Thank you Diana, I’m on the mend now, but it is taking soooo long!

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May 3, 2023Liked by Giulia Scarpaleggia, Tommaso Galli

Sending you 'Get-Well' wishes. Chicken soup will be of help.

This is a beautiful time of year with all the colorful flowers and shrubs BUT it also brings allergies and I've a few.

On a bright note, Cucina Povera is a delight.

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Thank you Rosalie! 🤗 so happy you are enjoying a cucina Povera!

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May 3, 2023Liked by Giulia Scarpaleggia, Tommaso Galli

Hope you feel better soon! And I agree, I'm tired of all of the viruses around - I've been sick 3 times in the last few months already! I'm sorry that it spoiled your holidays! :-(

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I feel you! Let’s all hope we will feel better soon!

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It's no fun to be sick. Especially when you get sick often, it's exhausting both physically and mentally. You get tired of being sick. I hope you don't get sick again this year. I wish you more health.

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May 3, 2023Liked by Giulia Scarpaleggia, Tommaso Galli

Hope you feel better soon, Giulia. I also want you to know how much I enjoyed your Milk Street cooking class, you’re a fantastic instructor. And your cookbook Cucina Povera is amazing, it’s one of my faves.

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Thank you Eileen! Thank you for your kindest words, I had so much fun teaching the Milk Street class, I really hope I’ll be teaching another class soon. And I’m very proud you are enjoying Cucina Povera!

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May 3, 2023Liked by Giulia Scarpaleggia, Tommaso Galli

May you feel healthy again soon and adopt a diet beyond chicken, oat milk, and boiled potatoes! Hope that spring and summer are wonderful!

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Thank you so much Hal 🤗

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May 3, 2023Liked by Giulia Scarpaleggia, Tommaso Galli

So sorry for your sickness during the holidays, Giulia. It does happen, but it smarts all the more when it's precious time spent away with family. I remember one particular trip to the Auvergne with an ex boyfriend. I was so excited about the cheese, and the French food in general, but within hours was struck down by a flu type bug that completely removed my tastebuds. I spent the whole trip practically in tears at every meal, thinking of everything I was missing. A strange form of torture! I hope you regain your strength soon and can enjoy all the food of Bologna and Florence. xx

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What a nightmare! Being in a food and wine heaven and tasting absolutely nothing is really a weird kind of torture! I hope you then had the chance to taste again that magnificent food! I know I’ll be back to Lecce soon to try all the osterias I had on my list

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Very sad story, thank you for sharing it. You wouldn't wish such a trip on anyone. I hope your next trip will be successful and the sun will shine all the time.

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May 4, 2023Liked by Giulia Scarpaleggia

So sad to hear that your wonderful vacation plans hit such a pothole in the road. So “not fun” to quote my son. I’m hoping by now you are feeling much better and found enjoyment in Bologna and Florence before you get back home. Here’s to warm sunny days to come.

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Definitely “not fun” is the best description! Bologna and Florence were just two stops, and now we’re back home with sunny weather

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That's so sweet, your son is wonderful. That's a very sweet expression.

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May 3, 2023Liked by Giulia Scarpaleggia, Tommaso Galli

So sorry! This happened recently to me too. The worst. I hope you feel better soon! xx

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Oh no, so sorry it happened to you, too. Let’s hope the next time we’re both going to have so much fun!

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May 5, 2023Liked by Giulia Scarpaleggia

It upsets me that this illness prevented you from fully enjoying your vacation. The rains... Sometimes it feels like the whole world is against you. But I'm glad you took it favorably. I hope everything works out for you on your next trip!

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Thank you so much Sabrina

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