“An ordinary life” - most people strive for more and more. Being content with what one has is a great gift.

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You are blessed to have such a life where you could experience your "ordinary" experiences, embrace them and have them shape your happy adult life. I grew up in an Italian immigrant family in New York State. We lived in a quiet country town. As an adult, all of my favorite memories center around my Nonna, her gardening , her cooking and how she made the simplest things from nature such a part of our memories growing up. She has always been my inspiration when it comes to cooking. You too are an inspiration for many young woman who want to find a meaningful path. Your post is a lovely read. Thank you so much for sharing.

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This is beautiful!

I have not chosen a career path in cooking, I just love to do so for myself and my family and friends. It is a part of who I am and brings me joy.

I am so thankful to have discovered your podcast which led to learning more about you and your cooking.

Your story is wonderful and the way you have shared it is brilliant!

I truly hope to return to Italy soon and take your class.

All the best,


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This was so beautiful and made me happy after I read it. You are so gifted in everything you do. "Ordinary" is the thing we need to remember as some of the most beautiful days that are taken for granted. You are living a "Life well lived" and thank you especially for sharing with us. As I was blessed to have met you in your kitchen at home, I would not even think of the word ordinary to describe you or the wonderfully perfect day we spent with you! Thank you! Mary Lou

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Your writing is lovely. I especially loved the part about how food has turned you into the woman you are. Food truly shapes us.

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Loved reading this and loved the photos!

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Lovely post, Giulia - I can absolutely relate to the kitchen being a safe place in a life, and I imagine that many of us home-cooks feel the same. I'm sure it's different for professional chefs, male or female, since what they cook has to be worth the customer's money. There've been many times in my own family life when the only thing over which I had any control was what I set on the table.

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Thank you for sharing your joy. It comes through in your writing. Your English is lovely and filled with personality. One of my favorite cookbooks is also Floating on Cloudberries. I saw a brand new copy at a friend’s flat in London decades ago and begged to keep it. I instantly fell in love with the recipes, stories and photography. It made me smile seeing it appear in this post. I’m looking forward to your new cook book.

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What a lovely essay, and the photographs add to the story. I enjoy learning personal histories. Thanks for sharing yours. Livia is adorable. I wish you and your family happiness, always.

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Wonderful to read your story Giulia. Thank you. A love of food is central to it and that shines through in all you do. 💛

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Beautifully written! Thank you for sharing your personal journey. Your words inspire me in many ways, and this quote resonated with me: “No one who cooks, cooks alone. Even at her most solitary, a cook in the kitchen is surrounded by generations of cooks past, the advice and menus of cooks present, the wisdom of cookbook writers.” It's so true - and so comforting! : ) While your ordinary life seems extraordinary to me (smalltown, USA), it's often our own lens that influences our perspective and perception of life. A good reminder to appreciate what we have, learn from others' experiences, and live in the moment. Best wishes to you and your family!

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Beautiful Giulia! I have loved following you since I began listening to your podcast, Cooking With an Italian Accent, years ago while on road trips to and from my daughter’s house. I am sure we will meet in your home kitchen one day to cook together. The first time I tried on one of our trips to Italy, you were not having classes because you and Tommaso were getting married! Like you, I love food, cooking, reading cookbooks, and most of all Italy! A presto!

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I love how the straightforward, honest way you write about your life mirrors the way you have with food and the sharing of recipes.

In the same way Italian food sings through its “simplicity” there is so much beauty in just loving the life you’ve chosen and built --thank you for sharing that with us.

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Thank you for sharing your beautiful story,

and finding joy in the ordinary life. It’s always a p,erasure to read your bogs.

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What a lovely story! And I think, 40 years out from the roaring 80s, we have come full circle to understand the value of an ordinary life.

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So lovely! I have followed you since your early days . I love that you have stayed true to your roots! What you create through your writing, recipes and classes are truly magical! I look forward to the day I can return to Jul’s Kitchen!

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